Mushonga Logistics Consultants (MLC)
Partnership profile
Mushonga Logistics Consultants (MLC) is a partnership consisting of a Pharmacist and a Medical Logistician who have extensive knowledge of Medical Stores Distribution and Storage as well as Information systems in the African Governmental environment. This partnership of two health professionals offers a combined range of knowledge and experience encompassing over 60 years of hands on experience in a State medical logistical and pharmaceutical environment.
Recent MLC projects include:
Creation of SOP on the Condom Logistics Distribution process in South Africa for the National Department of Health.
Previous assessments revealed a need for standard operating procedures for the entire condom management process. These include both National level and Provincial level activities.
The provincial activities are:
- Registration new PDS (primary distribution site)
- Reporting and replenishment
- Receiving stock
- Managing donated stock
- Communication
- Storage and quality control
- Issues and distribution
National level activities include:
- Tender and contract management
- Quality assurance and batches
- Managing suppliers
- Monitoring condoms supply chain
- Promoting Condoms Use
Data preparation and ongoing support for SCMS and CMAM Mozambique
A helpdesk support contract was established to render data preparation support during the migration from SIGM to MACS at Central level (Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos -CMAM of the Ministry of Health Moçambique).
Rapid Assessment of the male condom supply chain in South Africa June 2009
A rapid assessment was performed to determine the level of stock-outs of male condoms and the underlying reasons for shortages in recent times. The assessment included provincial visits to various PDS (primary delivery sites) and a series of in-depth interviews at district and provincial offices. This report was widely distributed to departmental management and NGOs.
Inclusion of SIGM processes in SOPs for CMAM
A series of Standard operating procedures (SOPs) were developed by SCMS for use in the CMAM Central Warehouses in Moçambique. (Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos -CMAM of the Ministry of Health Moçambique.
These drafts had a purely logistical view of the warehouse activities and did not address the use of SIGM ( Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Medicamentos ). SIGM is a pre-posting, integrated, stock accounting system and the SOPs had a distinct bias towards a recording (post-posting) system.
The SOPs were modified to address processes as driven by the SIGM. Additional SOPs were drafted to cover warehouse activities overlooked in the first round of drafts.
Revision of CMAM product codification
A workshop to revise the codification procedure defined in 2006. New requirements defined by CMAM users needed to be analysed, defined and recorded. Over time a small percentage of errors in codes and descriptions have occurred and these were identified and guidance given on procedures to prevent future occurrence. System processes were reviewed and possible future enhancements to SIGM codification explored.
Condom Logistics Assessment
The partners were contracted by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in South Africa to assess and document the condom procurement and distribution process and to prepare a consolidated report with proposals to enhance the current electronic recording and reporting system LMIS.
The Technical assistance during 2007 and 2008 included:
- Assessment and documentation of the current condom procurement and distribution process with the intended objective being to improve quality of reporting and programming.
- Identification of data required at national and provincial levels for management information in support of decision making processes.
- Identification of data available at provincial and user levels.
- Identification of current data collection and storage processes.
- Identification of user requirements for data and processes not currently being met.
- Evaluation of current supplier interfaces.
- Evaluation of current computer system in terms of needs and proposal of improvements and changes if necessary.
- Compilation of user requirements for system redesign.
Computerised Stock Management System
MLC, as part of a consortium (GijimaAST / MLC and VIRCONN), assisted with the development, implementation and central level rollout of a computerized stock management system SIGM (Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Medicamentos ) for the Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos (CMAM) of the Ministry of Health Mozambique.
MLC is currently the technical lead in the provincial implementations of the SIGM and is busy drafting user requirements for a system upgrade.
Functional sub-project management.
Mushonga Logistics Consultants has to date :
- Drafted most of the initialising Project plans based on their intimate knowledge of both the client and technical sub contractor environments using MS Project.
- Developed suggested timelines for most of the functional activities based on knowledge of the geography and infrastructure of Moçambique.
- Planned and scheduled activities per warehouse based on the knowledge of the sequential nature of both the application and business processes of the client. This incorporates activities, timing, roles and responsibilities.
Business analysis of needs and interpretation of ‘Use Cases’.
- Mushonga Logistics Consultants have been involved in this particular project since December 2003. MLC have an intimate knowledge of the complete supply chain in Moçambique, having done extensive business analysis with all sections of CMAM.
- MLC have also achieved an in-depth knowledge of their policies contained within the various policy manuals at central and provincial level and have assisted the technical subcontractor Gijima AST to integrate these business processes into the development of the SIGM.
- There is no other individual or contractor that has this in-depth knowledge of how the SIGM integrates with the business processes. This includes the technical subcontractor and the client themselves.
Assistance with design incorporating ‘Good Medical Logistics Practice’ and functional logistics policy interpretation and support to client and software designer.
Mushonga Logistics Consultants has a unique combination of a Pharmacist with Information systems knowledge and a Medical Logistician also with Information systems knowledge. This knowledge is focussed on the Government sector in Southern and Central Africa with its unique requirements. This enables this partnership to act as intermediary between the client and the technical developers measuring requirements against ‘Good Medical Logistics Practice’ and suggesting workable alternatives.
Coding of Pharmaceutical and Medically related items
- MLC has training in NATO product codification procedures which has been adapted to the Moçambiquan requirement. MLC facilitated a workshop which developed a uniquely Moçambiquan product code of an eleven digit alpha numeric code for the distribution code and a nine digit alpha numeric code for the parent code based on the National Formulary for Moçambique.
- MLC created the first versions of the product code list using procurement lists, distribution history and planning lists incorporating pharmaceutical items as well as never previously coded surgical and laboratory products as well as formalising a unique client (institution) and supplier coding structure
- MLC performed a Codification Technical Assistance (TA) to transfer skills and to formalize the procedures concerning codification of Pharmaceutical and medically related items procured by CMAM for and on behalf of the Ministry of Health of Moçambique creating a sustainable product identification and codification process. A Codification manual formed part of this TA.
Defining data for migration from legacy systems and creation and quality control of data sets for product, client and supplier databases.
MLC is uniquely situated for data preparation for electronic loading of new implementations.
Creation of training material including Instructor and Student Manuals.
With its integrated knowledge of both the application and the business processes, MLC has written the user and instructor manuals and has an ongoing function of updating this material as new functions are introduced.
User Acceptance Testing, Prototype Reviews and Systems testing
MLC managed the various review and testing process by means of planning and scheduling activities. This included:
- Creating exercises and realistic data scenarios.
- Demonstrating the system to the client.
- Documentation of comments in context as well as technical problems experienced.
- Reporting to both CMAM and detailed feedback to Gijima AST developers to ensure corrections.
- Creation of UAT signoff sheets and managing UAT process.
Functional support during implementation:
This includes ’on site handholding’ of user including integration of existing knowledge into new environment. With its integrated knowledge of both the application and the business processes MLC is responsible for the final consolidated report on each site and they performed the following functions:
- Conducting a pre implementation review to ensure global system conformance with business processes per facility type.
- Creation of an Implementation checklist to monitor implementation activities.
- Creation of job aids, flow charts and schedules of activities which could at a later stage be used as a basis for Standard Operating Procedures
- Troubleshooting and deeper level problem solving. Identifying business processes not catered for in the SIGM and proposing solutions or interim workarounds.
- Measuring SIGM against current warehouse processes and Good Logistics Practice’ and proposing changes to either processes or the SIGM to ensure smooth transition
- Identification and Coding of missing items as well as assistance with ledger creation.
- Monitoring and evaluation of implementation progress as well as identification of new queries to extract data for monitoring and evaluation purposes
- Creation of a Monitoring and Evaluation tool
- Skills transfer and mentoring of CMAM staff in monitoring and evaluation processes
MLC acted as technical lead and was responsible for the reporting to the donor during implementations. Functional support during implementation including ’on site handholding’ has been performed at the following sites:
- Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos (CMAM)
- Central Warehouse Beira
- Central Warehouse N o 8 Maputo
- Central Warehouse N o 9 Maputo
- Provincial Medical Depot Maputo Province – Pilot site
- Provincial Medical Depot Sofala Province
- Provincial Medical Depot Zambezia Province
- Provincial Medical Depot Cabo Delgado Province
- Provincial Medical Depot Niassa Province
Management information
MLC performed a Report Assessment /Management Information Technical Assistance (TA) to give hands-on assistance to the CMAM personnel in:
- Identification of MI needs.
- Optimizing the content of the reports used in the operational environment.
- Ensuring that the content of reports is unambiguous and applicable.
- Reports testing with realistic data
- Identification of new or overlooked reporting needs
- Ongoing support at Provincial level, drawing on our experience, will include reviewing in local context the existing operational documents, reports, and other management information needs
Logistics training course
Presentation of a five day on–site logistics training course, customised to the companies’ needs. Topics covered include specifics such as EOQ (economic order quantity), trend analysis as well as general good logistics practice. Other aspects included:
- General Principles
- Cost and Risk of Stockholding
- Accountability / Responsibility
- Access Control and Security
- Data Elements
- Forecasting
- Order Point
- Procurement Quantities
- Orders and Receipts
Warehouse assessment
Assessment of the Central Medical Store’s depots in Malawi. The TORs included recommendations concerning:
- Maximising existing storage and shelving capacity
- Additional shelving and equipment requirements and need for additional storage
- Work-flow and stock processes
- Training requirements
- Basic costing to assist in budgeting
- and the impact of external factors on warehouse capacity.
Procurement manual
Drafting of a procurement manual for Malawi including policy and procedures tailored to that country’s requirements covering a range of topics including:
- Identification of Requirements
- Pre-qualification of Suppliers
- Tender Preparation
- Tender Administrative Process
- Adjudication
- Activity checklists
Output to Purpose Review
Participating in the OPR (Output to Purpose Review) of the Strengthening CMS (Central Medical Stores) project in Malawi
Previous qualifications and experience include:
- The team have been involved with USAID via the Management Sciences for Health/Equity Project. Interaction with the WHO / DFID project (SADAP) has given this team extensive experience in working with international donor organisations.
- Military Medical Logistical training and experience.
- Postgraduate qualification in Logistics Management from the University of Pretoria.
- WHO sponsored Pharmaco-economics training presented by international experts.
- WHO sponsored training by German Foundation for International Development on the planning and implementation of a Drug Information Centre in an African country.
- Product coding using NATO codification, EAN coding and in-house coding systems.
- WHO consultation in Malaysia on guidelines for planning and implementation of a Drug Information Centre and Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee (PTC).
- Medical Logistic Systems management for the SA Defence Force.
- Management of the COMED (Coordinating Committee for Medical Procurement) systems at the SA National Dept of Health.
- Design, implementation, warehouse customisation and system maintenance in 7 State warehouses in South Africa using the State Medical Stores Admin System (MEDSAS). One of these warehouses turns over R1b of stock per year.
- Managing the support systems containing and processing data relating to 1700 suppliers, 7600 pharmaceutical items and 10500 medically related items and 2500 demanders (hospital and clinic customers). MEDSAS and the support systems have been successfully handling the SA State sector medicines for the last 12 years.
- Providing support for the SA State tender process and managing the support system handling approximately 4000 contract item details on 17 different contracts.
- Budgeting for and project management of systems costing R10m annually
- Researching and writing the SA Treasury approved MEDLOG manual to regulate State Medical Logistics.
- Business analysis skills in the State medicine distribution chain.
- Design, development, implementation and maintenance of a Pharmaceutical Management Information System. The PharMIS system was developed to consolidate data for management decision support from the MEDSAS systems and a range of private systems in use
- Development of the Essential Drugs List using principles of evidence based medicine.
- Skills in SQL, Knowledge Management, Data Warehousing and web-design
- Pharmaceutical product classification utilising ATC, MIMS, MRA, INN, USP and BP methodologies.
- Skills in determination of management information needs, data evaluation and presentation formatting of reports.
- Development of training material, development of courses and course presentation of medical logistics and relevant software.
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